Main pages
| The history of hand writing is rich of strange and sophisticated tools, swiftly disappeared from the market, but that we have always been searching, collecting and offering to our best followers, such as professional calligraphers, collectors and museums. The rarity of these precious implements has been known for centuries and any refined person feels happy of possessing a little of their spirit. |  | As warmly requested by a number of parents we are offering special tools for kids to start hand writing and discover calligraphy
|  | Similar techniques, mood and tools are used for all European, latin-based languages. Here you will find also all supplies for medieval illumination, drawing and manga.
|  | There is a tremendous revival of interest in the technique and history of medieval illumination. The reason comes probably from the magical processes it implies, with precious metal, natural surfaces and alchemy pigments, all working towards producing unalterably beautiful images. |  | Ce nom "caricature", donné par Hokusai à ses petits dessins désordonnés, est devenu synonyme de BD après son immense succès populaire au Japon puis dans le monde entier. Le paradoxe est que les "mangaka", ou auteurs, oublient toute technologie pour créer leurs oeuvres et s'accrochent aux plus traditionnels des outils : la plume métallique, le papier couché, l'encre liquide. Les plumes japonaises sont donc généralement aiguës, dures et extrêmement précises, ce qui convient aussi pour certaines sortes d'écritures. The name "caricature" Hokusai gave to his little messy drawings became synonymous with comics after his immensely popular fate in Japan and around the world. The paradox is that the "mangaka", or authors, forget about new technologies to create their works through clinging to more traditional tools: metal pen, coated paper, liquid ink.
|  | Born from the same root and in the same area, both scripts founded a calligraphic world with its specific tools, rules and masters
|  | For two thousand years, China has been the beacon of calligraphy. Since writing comes from images, painting developed itself in China and Japan with the same tools : hair brushes, raw paper and natural ink.
|  | This section gathers items suitable for a gift to a beginner, such as complete sets of stationery boxes, or to a collector of precious and rare objects. |  | Original artists works or reproduction, posters and postcards (this section is under construction). NB All images are subject to copyright an can't be copied without permission.
|  | Speaking of calligraphy, illumination, manga and Oriental painting, there are a few useful books suitable for beginners who find no teaching near home (which means almost everybody) or people who wish to go further with great masters. Most of them are in French but this part of our online shop is under construction. Besides, their content is often not available in English and/or their illustrations are unseen. |  |  | Received recently:
- Celadon porcelain bitong (Ref: AN04001)
- Twelve yanliao in inksticks (Ref: CA02022)
- Astounding brush, horse and wood (Ref: CA01234)
- Brush rack, dragon design (Ref: CA04080)
- "The Nine Immortals" colour set (Ref: CA02028)
- Writing set M (Ref: CA05005)
- Mazikeng S (Ref: CA03530)
- Zhuabi with a wooden handle, S (Ref: CA01060)
- Packfung ink box (Ref: AN04700)
- Bear hair brush (Ref: CA01345)
- Writing set, oval (Ref: CA05015)
- Porcelain brush stand (Ref: AN04501)
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